I know, I know. I've lamented about the loss of summer more than once. But .. but .. it's just that I'm so relaxed in the summer, and there seems to be so much more time to just be. Like every other summer, this once seemed to fly by. It was like all of July, I spent anticipating our trip to Moncton, and then once we got back, all I could do was think about school starting and counting the days till the end of freedom. Well, my friends, September has finally arrived and summer, for me at least, has come to an end.
But I'm not crying, because this summer has been one of the best and most exciting. I have one last summer story post for you coming up next week, but for now, I'll keep it short and sweet and present to you ... some beer bread. But this is not just ANY beer bread -- it's fruity, summery, memory-inducing beer bread, made first with Pump House Blueberry Ale that my best friend brought over one weekend as a funny surprise. Her and my partner drank quite a few of these when we were in Moncton. Over there, it was the specialty, brewed in downtown Moncton. It even had a little restaurant attached to the brewery called The Pump House.
Don't be scared of bread. Go ahead and bake some. Use a fancy beer and throw in some fruit. Hey .. you could even try chocolate beer bread and use chocolate stout .. oh my ...
Fruity Beer Bread
adapted from Farmgirl Fare
1 cup of whole wheat flour
1/2 cup of all purpose flour
1/2 tablespoon of baking powder
pinch of salt
2 teaspoons of honey
7 ounces of fruity beer (that's about 3/4 of the bottle)
a handful of berries to match the beer, washed and patted dry
1. Sift together the flours, baking powder and salt in a mixing bow
2. Open a bottle of fruity beer. Take a biiiig gulp. Pour the rest of the bottle into the other ingredients and stir gently until everything comes together in a sticky, thick batter. Add the berries and mix them in.
4. Pour in a prepared loaf pan and bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes, or until a cake tester inserted comes out clean, and the top has browned every so slightly. Best served warm with a cup of coffee.
That looks lovely, Leslie. I never thought of making beer bread before. What an idea! I hope summer doesn't disappear too fast for you!
ReplyDeleteIn the middle of winter, when it's cold, dark, snowy and stressful, this will be the perfect treat (along with a nice cappuccino) to remember summer 2010 and to look forward to summers to come. Chocolate beer bread with a nice creamy stout? I like the way you think....
ReplyDeletethanks, ursula! you should definitely try making beer bread. it's a super yummy snack and really simple to whip up. i started work this week, so summer is officially gone for me:( but there's always next year!
ReplyDeletemia, beer bread + cappuccino + summer memories = an easier winter. :) are you ready for peach/apricot beer bread??
I'm so curious about this bread; is it sweet? I suppose I should just make it myself and see! And I love your idea of the chocolate stout bread!!! Or the Coffee Porter from Tankhouse...you've got me thinking...
ReplyDeleteMonika, yup, it's a little bit sweet from the fruit and honey, but it's not cakey or desserty. you definitely taste the beer, though. coffee beer bread would be good .. or a combination of coffee and chocolate -- like coffee beer with cocoa powder mixed into the batter...